
FCTC Lesson 2

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  • Name 3 foods from the protein group.
    Chicken, Fish, Steak, Turkey, Eggs, Beans, Peanut Butter
  • Why is breakfast important?
    It gives us energy to start our day!
  • How many food groups are on the MyPlate?
  • Name 2 of the nutrients our bodies need.
    Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Water
  • Name the food group on the MyPlate.
    Grains, Dairy, Fruit, Vegetable, Protein
  • How long should we wash our hands?`
    At least 20 seconds
  • Name 3 foods from the dairy group.
    Milk, yogurt, cheese.
  • What is the first thing we should read on the Nutrition Facts Label?
    Serving size
  • Name 3 foods from the grains group.
    Cereal, bread, pasta, crackers, tortillas, oatmeal, rice, etc.
  • Name 3 foods from the vegetable group.
    carrots, broccoli, potatoes, cucumber, green beans, corn, tomato, etc.
  • Name a Go, Slow, and Whoa food.
    fresh fruits or vegetable, white rice, candy
  • How much physical activity do you need each day?
    Kids: 60 minutes Adults: 30 minutes
  • Name the 4 food safety rules to Fight BAC.
    Clean, Chill, Separate, Cook
  • Name 3 foods from the fruit group.
    Apple, banana, kiwi, pear, peach, strawberry, watermelon, blueberry, etc.
  • What is the Temperature Danger Zone?
    40 degrees to 140 degrees
  • What is the 5/20 rule?
    5% or less is not a good source of a nutrient, 20% or more is a great source of a nutritent
  • Name a rule of handling knives.
    Ask an adult, hold near the blade, go slowly, don't lift the front of the knife
  • How many food groups should we eat at breakfast?