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  • What two gases cause acid rain
    SO2 and NOx. Sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen
  • is the reaction that forms slacked lime endothermic or exothermic?
    Exothermic (gives off heat)
  • What is a use of noble gases
    neon signs
  • How do you get quicklime (CaO) from limestone (CaCO3)
    Heating limestone --> quicklime
  • This gas is 20x more effective at trapping heat than Carbon dioxide is
    Methane CH4
  • How do you get slacked lime Ca(OH)2 from quicklime CaO
    Adding water
  • The hotter an engine the more NOx produced. T or F
    T. More reactions of oxygen with Nitrogen occur producing more NOx
  • Is the reaction that forms quicklime endothermic or exothermic
  • What makes up 0.04% of air
    Carbon dioxide
  • what makes up 21% of air
  • Name a way to reduce acid rain or its effects
    Scrubbers. Adding lime to water bodies
  • A catalytic converter converts nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide into what?
    Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide
  • What does CO stand for
    Carbon Monoxide
  • Which pollutants contribute to global warming?
    Nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, methane
  • What happens when you add water to limestone
    Nothing. Limestone needs to be heated to turn into quicklime. Once water is added to quicklime slacked lime is produced
  • What are hydrocarbons
    Compound composed exclusively of hydrogen and carbon.
  • What are heavy metals
    metals with high density that are toxic at low concentrations
  • Give an example of a hydrocarbon
    methane, propane, butane, hexane
  • What is a use of Nitrogen
    Produce ammonia, fertilizers, fill chip bags.
  • How is carbon monoxide made
    Incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons
  • Name 2 ways we can reduce the amount of CO2 released into the environment
    alternative transportation, planting trees, burning less fossil fuels
  • What is a use of pure oxygen
    Making steel, oxygen tanks
  • Name 2 ways we release Carbon Dioxide into the environment
    Burning fossil fuels, cars, respiring, cutting down forests
  • Explain the greenhouse effect
    pollutants in our atmosphere trap heat inside causing the earth to warm, like a greenhouse (CH4, CO2, NOx)
  • Name 2 ways methane is released into the environment
    Cows, Rice fields, landfills
  • What makes up 78% of air
  • Which pollutants contribute to photochemical smog?
    Nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons
  • Name 2 fossil fuels
    coal, oil, natural gas
  • What is unleaded low sulfur fuel
    Fuel that doesn't have lead and is low in sulfur. Much better for the environment
  • What is a negative effect of acid rain
    Breaks down limestone buildings, makes water bodies acidic, kills trees. Sulfate reacts with aluminum damaging tree roots and fish gills
  • What is the main source of the release of problem gases into the atmosphere
    burning of fossil fuels
  • This gas binds to hemoglobin in blood, which can lead to death
    Carbon monoxide
  • Name an impact of global warming
    Sea level rise, deserts spread, severe weather
  • What is the benefit of the honeycomb in a catalytic converter
    increases surface area. More reactions take place. More harmful gases are converted