
Medieval Europe

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  • What were Spanish Muslims known as?
  • What was the biggest cause of death for women?
    Giving birth
  • What was the social hierarchy in medieval times?
    King; (Archbishop); Nobels (Dukes & Barons); Knights; peasants
  • What were houses of the wealthy, manor houses, generally made of?
    Built out of stone
  • What were 'trials by ordeal'?
    Grasping a red-hot iron
    All of the above
    Being thrown into a pool of water
    Hand plunged into boiling water
  • What is the name of a knight's two attendants?
    Page and Squire
  • What was the other name for the Crusades
    The Holy Wars
  • What foods did medieval people eeat?
    bread, pies, pasties, butter, cheese, eggs, milk - fruit and vegetables they grew
  • What was the mortality rate for medieval children?
    Half of all children died before they reached the age of 7
  • By 900 AD, what was the common culture of the Mediterranean world?
    Engliand; Scotland; Ireland
    Russia; Australia; USA
    Western Europe (Christendom); Byzantine East; the Levant
    Eastern Europe; Africa; the Middle East
  • A knight was the eldest son of the family. True or False
    False. Knights were younger siblings.
  • Why did towns become important in medieval times?
    They became centres of manufacturing
  • Name two types of punishment from medieval times.
    thumbscrews; the rack; water torture;pillory; stocks, trial by ordeal
  • What was a knight's most important weapon?
    His sword.
  • When was the medieval period?
    Approximate 476 AD to 1500 AD
  • What was the system of field rotation in medieval farming called?
    Three-field farming
  • What were medieval peasant houses generally made of?
    Single room dwelling made of wood with a turf roof
  • Who ran hospitals in medieval times?
    Usually by religious orders
  • What was the name of a journey people went on to visit holy sites?
  • What is treason?
    Betraying ones country or King/Queen
  • What was a Motte & Bailey Castle
    Built on a mound of earth with a large circular enclosure
  • What was the main reason people traveled in medieval times?
    To visit holy sites, for example Jerusalem, the birth site of Jesis
  • What was the name of the giant throwing machines in medieval times?
  • What is a 'moat'?
    A large trench dug around a castle that is full of water.
    A large mound of dirt that a castle is built on.
    A large door that is lowered to keep people out.
    A small animal used to dig into castles.
  • What was the plague that decimated populations called?
    The Black Death
  • Who paid for hospitals in medieval times?
    The wealthy
  • Did peasants eat meat?
    No, only the wealthy ate meat
  • What was the name of a place where nuns lived and worked?
    Nunnery or Convent
  • In the 'Dark Ages', what was the form of payment for goods called?
    Barter system
  • Which Church was very powerful and displayed dominance during medieval times?
    Catholic Church
  • Over a two hundred year period, how many Crusades were launched?
    Eleven (11)
  • What was the name of a place where monks lived and worked?
  • Situation where an army who block people from getting in or out of a castle is a.....?
  • Knights who were dedicated to protecting the Holy Land?
    Knights Templar
  • Who were the knights who founded the Hospital of St John?
    Knights Hospitaller
  • What reason did medieval people think epidemics (eg. plague) were sent?
    They thought they were punishment from God