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  • 你的演講讓我大吃一驚(blow)
    You're speech really blew me away!
  • What's the meaning of "having butterflies in one's stomach."?
    sb is nervous.
  • What's the meaning of "You killed it."?
    You did a great job!
  • Jimmy can swim, _______ ___? (附加問句)
    can't he ?
  • What's the meaning of "It is baking outside."?
    It is extremely hot outside.
  • What's the meaning of "It's killing me."?
    sth is extremely difficult or painful.
  • What's the meaning of "You have a golden heart."?
    You're very kind and generous.
  • 你快把我搞瘋了 in English(mad)
    You're diving me mad.