
DB2 - Units 1 and 2

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  • What does he look like? body / hair / eyes
    He's short, slim, young and handsome. He has short, curly, brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Turn to affirmative: I didn't eat pasta last night
    I ate pasta last night
  • ______? / Yes, I bought snacks and soda
    Did you buy snacks and soda?
  • How old is teacher Aline?
    She's 30 years old
  • ______ ? / No, I didn't play cards last week
    Did you play cards last week?
  • Did you open presents on you last birthday? (Long answer: Neg + Aff)
    I didn't open presents. I sang songs on my last birthday.
  • What's the question? COUNTRY
    Where are you from?
  • What does she look like? body / hair / eyes
    She's tall, slim, young and pretty/beautiful. She has short, straight, blond hair and blue eyes.
  • What's the negative form of: "I sang songs yesterday"?
    I didn't sing songs yesterday.
  • What does she look like?
    She has long, straight, blond hair and blue eyes
  • Tell me 10 verbs in the past
  • What does she look like? (hair/eyes)
    She has short, curly, red hair and green eyes
  • What's the question? NAME
    What's your name?
  • What's the question? FAVORITE FOOD
    What's your favorite food?
  • What's the question? AGE
    How old are you?
  • What's Aline's favorite book saga?
    Harry Potter
  • How do you say in English: ONTEM / SEMANA PASSADA / ÚLTIMA SEXTA A NOITE?
    Yesterday / Last week / Last Friday night
  • What's the negative form of: "I saw my friends and we drank soda"?
    I didn't see my friends and we didn't drink soda