
Lab Safety

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  • Around open flames, it is important to... a. Wear your hair loose and near the flame b. Avoid loose clothing and tie up your hair c. Record a selfie near the flame d. Wear large, dangling jewelry near the flame
    b. Avoid loose clothing and tie up your hair
  • An eyewash station is used when chemicals get in your eye. a. True b. False
    a. True
  • True or False: Following instructions is a good way to be safe.
  • Heated glassware should be picked up using... a. Your bare hands and a paper towel b. Your bare hands only c. A pair of tongs d. None of the above
    c. A pair of tongs
  • What things should NOT be in the lab area? a. Book bags/purses b. Food/drink c. Textbooks/phones d. All of the above
    d. All of the above
  • Wafting is an improper way to smell chemicals in a lab. a. True b. False
    a. True
  • Wearing ______ would make you more prone to injury, and are not permitted in labs. a. Close-toed sneakers b. Open-toed sandals/high heels c. Lab aprons/coats d. Gloves and goggles
    b. Open-toed sandals/high heels
  • When handling chemicals, it is important to... a. Pull out your phone to check your DMs b. Scratch your nose when it itches c. Rub your eyes because you have allergies d. Wash your hands before touching anything
    d. Wash your hands before touching anything
  • Why should you not eat or drink during a lab? a. You could cross-contaminate materials b. You could ingest something harmful c. You could leave the area or materials dirty d. All of the above
    d. All of the above
  • If instructions are unclear, you should... a. Try to guess what the instructions mean b. Ignore that step, and move forward c. Stop immediately, and ask the teacher d. Pull out your phone to Google the step
    C. Stop immediately, and ask the teacher
  • If glassware is broken, you should... a. Pick it up with your bare hands b. Sweep and throw it away in the regular trash c. Use broom and place in proper container d. Make another classmate pick it up
    c. Use broom and place in proper container
  •  It is NOT important to know where all of the safety equipment (ex. fire extinguisher) is in the lab. a. True b. False
    b. False