
Incredible Creatures - Animal Facts

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  • This animal can see in the dark six times better than a human.
    A jaguar
  • Baby cats aren’t the only ones called kittens. So are baby ______
  • What is the only mammal that can fly?
    A bat
  • This male sea creature collect up to 2,00o eggs from their female partners and proceed to fertilize, carry, and hatch them. He will even carry them after they hatch until they adjust to the ocean.
  • Which bear sleeps wherever it happens to be when it gets tired?
    A panda bear
  • These baby reptile speak to each other before they even hatch.
    Baby turtles
  • True or False: A spider's silk is 5 times stronger than steel.
  • True or False: A bat can eat more than 500 insects in an hour. 
    True. That is the insectivores. There are also bats which feed on nectar, fruit, even blood.
  • This farm animal's babies can recognize their mother’s voice by the time they turn two weeks old
  • A blue whale weighs as much as 3 elephants. True or false?
    True. They can grow to be as long as three buses and weigh up to 190 tons.
  • Which ferocious reptile has a translucent eyelid allowing them to see underwater?
    A crocodile
  • How many hearts does an octopus have?
  • What animal is capable of pulling over 1000 times it's own weight?
    A dung beetle
  • True or False: Dolphins call each other by name.
  • A honey bee flaps its wings at ________ times a second?
  • Which kind of bear's fingerprints are so close to a human's that they could taint crime scenes?
    A koala bear! The the distinctive loops and arches are so similar that police feared that criminal investigations may have been hampered by koala prints.
  • Do the male or females do the majority of the hunting in a pride of lions?
    The females! Lionesses hunt around 90 percent of the time, while the males protect their pride.
  • This type of penguin can stay underwater for up to 27 minutes and dive as far as 500m deep.
    Emperor penguins
  • Which bird can mimic any sound it hears?
    A lyrebird.
  • This sea creature can live up to 80 years