
Tense review pet

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  • If I _______ you, I would definitely give it a try.
  • If Andy saves enough money, he __________ (buy) that Rolex watch.
    will buy
  • In the picture, the sun is shining and the girl _______ (dance) under a large palm tree.
    is dancing
  • When the policeman came, the thief _______ (leave).
    had left
  • I _________ (read) that book 3 times.
    have read
  • Once I know the answer, I _______ (tell) you.
    will tell
  • Tony ___ to guitar lessons every Sunday. (go)
  • Correct 2 mistakes in this sentence: I weren't went to the museum with James because I sick yesterday.
    didn't go/were sick
  • When Jane arrived, her husband _______ (cook) in the kitchen.
    was cooking
  • When I was a child, I _______________ a tricycle.(used to ride/ was riding)
    used to ride
  • He _____ (not know) that the Earth goes around the Sun.
    doesn't know
  • "I _________ (send) my crush a letter yesterday" -> He said he __________ (sent) his crush a letter the day before.
    sent/had sent