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  • I /about / like / to / would / complain /....
    I would like to complain about
  • about / actually. / can / afraid / it, / / I’m / we / is / there / nothing / do
    I’m afraid there is nothing we can do about it, actually.
  • I’d like to_________about ...
  • problem / Excuse / there / but / is / ... / me, / a /
    Excuse me, but there is a problem ...
  • has / that. / like / about / Oh / This / sorry / dear, / I’m / ...? / before. / so / Would / happened / you / never / to
    Oh dear, I’m so sorry about that. This has never happened before. Would you like to ...?
  • I’m afraid there isn’t_______ we ___ ____ about it.
    much/we can
  • this. / you / we / afraid / help / with / I’m / can’t
    I’m afraid we can’t help you with this.
  • that. / Sorry / about
    Sorry about that.
  • ________me, but there is a problem ...
  • see / a / of / problem / you / a / bit / I’ve / here, / got / ...
    I’ve got a bit of a problem here, you see ...
  • Change options I’m / afraid / much / can / there / isn’t / about / we / do / it
    I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do about it
  • I / serious / complaint / to / make / I’m / a / afraid / have/....
    I’m afraid I have to make a serious complaint.....
  • dear, / Oh / sorry. / I’m / really
    Oh dear, I’m really sorry.
  • .. / could / help / me / if / you / wonder / I
    I wonder if you could help me ..
  • be / with / to / seems / something / There / wrong........
    There seems to be something wrong with.....
  • I’m sorry to_________ you, but ...
  • I’m / to / but / ... / trouble / you, / sorry
    I’m sorry to trouble you, but ...
  • I_________if you could help me ..
  • do/ I / apologise.
    I do apologise.