
All About Man

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  • Jeremiah 51:15a says It is He who made the earth by His ____________.
  • What is the name of the city where Joshua prayed to make the sun stand still?
  • True or False: Man was created very differently as compared to God's creation of the animals.
  • Can you tell me the order of God's Creation?
    Heaven Earth Man God
  • What is God's purpose in creating man?
    To be a vessel to contain HIM!
  • Matthew 19:26, And looking upon them, Jesus said to them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are ________________.
  • Fill in the blank. Man was different because Man was made according to God's _____
  • What do you mean by "OMNI"?
    ALL or WHOLE
  • How did Jesus heal the leper in Matthew 8?
    Healed by Touching
  • What is the title of our lesson last week?
    God is Omnipotent
  • What do you mean by the word, OMNISCIENT?
  • Which book in the Bible can we find the story of the sun staying still?
  • Complete the sentence according to the points discussed last week. God is so powerful that He created the _______________.
  • What do you mean by "POTENS"?
  • In the story of the rich young man, why do you think the young man went away sorrowful from Jesus?
    Because he cannot give up his riches
  • Fill in the memory verse: Genesis 1:26 says, And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to our l______s.
  • True or False. God can cause the plants grow just by saying a word.
  • Joshua 10:13a says, And the sun was still, and the moon __________, until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.
  • Complete the sentence according to the points discussed last week. God is so powerful that He can make the sun stand __________ and heal people with a word.