
Science 5 Unit 1

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  • Why does the seed shrivel after germination?
    Because the food store gets used up
  • Why does the shoot grow up?
    Needs to break through the soil so the leaves can get sunlight to start making food
  • What does absorb mean?
    Take in
  • Plants need this to transport substances such as food to all parts of the plant
  • What is a fair test?
    A test where are variables except the independent are the same
  • What is a plant embryo?
    Tiny plant inside seed
  • What does a seed need to germinate
    Warmth, air, water
  • Plants need this for strong stems and firm leaves
  • What is the shoot?
    The part of the plant that grows up (stem)
  • During germination what part of the plant grows first?
    The root
  • Seeds can live without germinating for years. What are they waiting for?
    The right conditions. Warmth, air, water
  • Do seeds need light to germinate?
  • What does shrivel mean?
    Becomes smaller and drier
  • What is a seed scar
    A mark on a seed showing where it was attached to the fruit
  • Why does a seed need a seed coat?
  • Seeds absorb ________ to start germination
  • Without this a plant may turn yellow
  • Why do roots grow down?
    To get water and anchor the plant into the ground
  • Where does a plant get its energy
  • Does a seed need light to germinate? Explain.
    No. Light is needed for the plant to make its food in its leaves. Seeds have a food store for food
  • What does a plant need?
    Air, water, warmth, light