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  • Taking the train is expensive and flying is expensive too. Taking the train is ________ (expensive) flying.
    as expensive as
  • My soup was _________ (cold). It was terrible!
    too cold
  • You always say "thank you". You are ______.
  • Lima and Miami are the same size. (big)
    Lima is as big as Miami.
  • The concert was __________ (crowded). I didn't like it.
    too crowded
  • He __________ (not have) wear a uniform.
    doesn't have to
  • Which option is NOT possible? Some of these _____ houses are 500 years old. a) historic b) traditional c) modern
  • Iphones ________ (expensive) Androids.
    are more expensive than
  • Cristiano and Leonel are both great football players. Cristiano is ________(talented) Leonel.
    as talented as
  • You can't ______ the subway to Staten Island.
  • Which option is NOT possible? The restuarant serves _______ Chinese food. a) delicious b) quiet c) traditional
  • Elephants ______________ (big) bears.
    are bigger than
  • Robert helps customers decide on cell phone plans. Robert is a __________.
  • My hair is ________ (curly) yours.
    curlier than
  • He _______ a motorcycle to work every day.
  • Liliana writes articles for a newspaper. Liliana is a ________.
  • She doesn't know how to ______ a bus.
  • Sally is _____ (shy). She should go out and meet people more often.
    too shy
  • Take the train! It's __________ (slow) a plane but it's a great way to see the U.S.
    slower than
  • My family and I ______ on a ferry to Staten Island.
  • You diet __________ (healthy). You have to drink more water and eat more vegetables.
    isn't healthy enough
  • Sofia writes code for computer games and apps. Sofia is a _________.
    software developer
  • Cars are __________ motorcycles. (safe)
    safer than
  • Youtube is _______ (good) Facebook.
    better than