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  • run
    my uncle likes to run
  • Creature
    the creature is very wild
  • come back
    come home soon
  • punished
    my mom punished me for misbehaving
  • building
    the buildings are very tall
  • hair
    my hair is beautiful
  • need
    I need your help
  • measure
    I measure my room
  • nightfall
    I like the nightfall
  • predator
    the predator scares me
  • heastbroken
    my sister has a broken heart
  • ignore
    I ignore everything they tell me
  • field
    my dog ​​is happy running in the field
  • temoerature
    the temperature is very high
  • centimeter
    my ruler has centimeters
  • husban
    my husband is cute
  • unnecessary
    Mom's unnecessary purchases make us lose money