
Perfect Modals

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  • When I was at university, I shouldn't have ...... .
    I shouldn't have trusted my friends when a professor assigned a group project.
  • The flight was delayed. They ought to ..... .
    They ought to have arrived at lunchtime.
  • I really ........ so much.
    I really shouldn't have eaten so much.
  • I broke my leg when I was 17. I could ...... .
    I could have been a professional dancer.
  • When I was your man, I should have ........ .
    I should have bought you flowers and held your hand.
  • As I was walking to work, I spilled coffee on my shirt. You shouldn't .... .
    You shouldn't have been drinking coffee while walking.
  • I didn't hear my alarm clock, so I was late for school. You should have ..... .
    You should have set 2 alarms.
  • My dress was the same color as the green screen behind us. I ...... .
    I should have worn other colors.
  • When I was a child, I shouldn't have ...... .
    I shouldn't have skipped school.
  • Pete was locked out of his apartment yesterday, and no one else had a key. He should've ..... .
    He should've copied his key and left it with someone.
  • Bill got lost while he was walking downtown in a city he'd been in more than 5 times. He could have ..... .
    He could've checked the city map before visiting.