
Elementary unit 4 review

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  • Unscramble this place in town: ILOCEP INTSTAO
    police station
  • Tell a partner there's something wrong with the size
    I'm sorry, it's too...
  • Unscramble this place in town: SCETPESRONTR
  • Complete the sentence... There's an old person on the ___
  • Ask if they have this item in a specific color
    Have you got them...
  • What's this?
  • Are there five shelves in the kitchen?
    Yes, there are.
  • Ask a partner if something is possible...
    Can you/we...?
  • Unscramble this place in town: EMUMUS
  • Is there a rug under the table?
    Yes, there is.
  • Complete the sentence about possibility: He/stay up late/Sundays
    He can stay up late on Sundays.
  • Put the sentence in the correct order: Where/our friends/for the night/stay/?/can
    Where can our friends stay for the night?
  • Complete the sentence: ___ there two windows next to the sofa?
  • Where's the coffee?
    in front of the fruit and bread...
  • Say something you can do in this place
  • Where's the dog?
    next to the woman...
  • What's this?
  • Where's the dad?
    between his wife and daughter/behind...
  • Say something you can or can't do in this place
  • Where's the bed?
    Next to the nightstand...
  • Unscramble this place in town: PTOS EFOIFC
    post office
  • Complete the sentence: There ___ (not) a yellow ___ in the kitchen!
  • Say something you can't do in this place
  • Say no politely to the teacher's question
  • Unscramble this place in town: AMYHPRAC
  • Put the sentence in the correct order: I/can/a SIM card/here/buy/?
    Can I buy a SIM card here?