
Dialogue-Conversation 3A

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  • How is the weather there?
    It is raining cats and dogs.
  • I have an exam tomorrow.
    Good luck with your exam.
  • Hi, this is my friend, Tom.
    Nice to meet you.
  • Excuse me, check, please.
    No problem. That will be 25 dollars.
  • I am studying in Chung Dau Elementary School.
    No wonder your English is so good.
  • Hello, is Tom there?
    Sorry, you have the wrong number.
  • How much does it cost?
    It is 50 dollars.
  • For here or to go?
    To go.
  • Do you want to go now or later?
  • Would you like to come with me?
    OK, let's go.
  • I lost my wallet.
    Oh! That is too bad.
  • I forgot to do homework again!
    Again? I can't stand this anymore!!!!
  • I broke my leg.
    Sorry to hear that.
  • I don't know how to play poker.
    All the rules are on this piece of paper.
  • What page are we on?
    We are on page 100.