
vocabolary:5 unit 3

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  • learn:to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity:
    verb: i learn in the school
  • weather.the conditions in the air above the earth such as wind, rain, or temperature, especially at a particular time over a particular area
    noun:the weater change a lot in guatemala city
  • door:a flat object that is used to close the entrance of something such as a room or building, or the entrance itself
    noun:every the homes have doors
  • store:a large shop where you can buy many different types of goods
    noun:there are too much stores in guatemala
  • oar:a long pole with a wide, flat part at one end, used for rowing a boat
    noun:we use the oar in the kayak
  • first:(a person or thing) coming before all others in order, time, amount, quality, or importance
    ordinal number:sometimes i win the first place
  • danger:the possibility of harm or death to someone
    noun:the cloro is danger
  • courage:the ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult situation
    noun:i have courage
  • treasure:very valuable things, usually in the form of a store of precious metals, precious stones, or money
    noun:the pirats have treasures
  • turn:to (cause to) move in a circle around a fixed point or line
    verb:sometimes i turn
  • earth:the planet third in order of distance from the sun, between Venus and Mars; the world on which we live:
    noun:we live in the earth
  • hurt:having or producing a comfortably high temperature, although not hot
    verb:i have hurt a lot of times
  • pour:to make a substance flow from a container, especially into another container, by raising just one side of the container that the substance is in
    verb:i pour my water
  • snore:to breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping:
    verb:sometimes i snore
  • germ:a very small organism that causes disease
    noun:the germs are very dangerouse
  • warm:having or producing a comfortably high temperature, although not hot
    adjetive:i get warm when i sleep
  • fork:a small object with three or four points and a handle, that you use to pick up food and eat with
    noun:we eat with a fork
  • forest:a large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually larger than a wood, or the trees and plants themselves
    noun:some times i have go to the forest
  • world:the earth and all the people, places, and things on it:
    noun:we need to save the world
  • sport:a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job
    noun:i do sport every the days: