
Phrasal verbs b2/b2+

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  • She keeps puting off the decision about my promotion.
    put off - postpone
  • Suprisingly to everyobdy, he came into quite a fortune.
    come into - start to possess ( due to sb's last will)
  • Stop pick on the interners, they are here to learn.
    Pick on - bother, tease, badger
  • She should have gotten over this relationship long ago.
    get over - deal with, forget about
  • My plan is to put by as much money as I can until the end of this year
    put by - save
  • I quess we should start seeing about some conference venue
    see about - look around, make research, start to cosnider options
  • What famous person do you look up to?
    look up to - admire
  • Sorry, I don't feel up to leading such an important conference
    feel up to - feel good enough, feel that you can make sth
  • It was foolish of him to believe that they would give it to him for free, no he's run up a huge debt.
    run up - allow a debt, problem to accumulate
  • Beeing faced up to hard data I needed to admit failiure.
    face up to - confront with
  • I need some time to see into this case.
    see into - investigate, get familiar with
  • The way I see it it's obvious that he takes all of it after his father
    take after - inherit features of character, personality
  • What have you been getting up to here?
    to do something, often something that other people would disapprove of
  • Have you seen hear look, clearly she looks down on you.
    look down on - despise, not respect
  • Because of family issues I ahve fallen behind with work, now I need to wrap up.
    fall behind with - have delays, do not progress as fast as others
  • I've come across some weird documents which I don't know what to do about.
    come across - find by accident
  • Sorry, but what are you getting at?
    get at - reach to some conclusion, reach some point