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  • World: Set of all things that exist and humanity.
    NOUN. If world joined together we would be better every day.
  • Door: Opening in a wall or fence that goes from the ground to a suitable height and allows to pass from one place or environment to another; it generally consists of a closing element consisting of a frame.
    NOUN. The door is very big and that's why I like it.
  • First: Indicates that the name it accompanies or replaces occupies the number 1 place in a series or does not have another thing of its previous kind in time or space.
    Ordina number. He won a first place medal.
  • Danger: Situation in which there is the possibility, threat or occasion of a misfortune or setback.
    NOUN. I was walking and suddenly I came across a sign that said danger.
  • Weather: Climates are those that change according to the climate in which we are.
    NOUN. I love different weather because if they didn't change I would get bored.
  • Forest: Extension of land densely populated with trees, bushes and bushes.
    NOUN. The forest is very large and has very leafy trees.
  • Earth: Planet of the Solar System, third in proximity to the Sun, between Venus and Mars, inhabited by man.
    NOUN. Our earth is very big.
  • Germ: It is a bacterium that harms your health.
    NOUN. I wash my hands to get the germs off my hands.
  • Store: Establishment where any type of consumer product is sold.
    NOUN. I go to the store to buy many trinkets.
  • Treasure: Set of money, jewelry or other valuables, gathered and stored in one place.
    NOUN. The treasure is very cute and very bright.
  • Turn: Twist is a sign that we should turn the steering wheel.
    VERB. When you are driving and see a sign that says turn, you have to do it carefully.
  • Fork: Utensil to prick or pick up solid food and bring it to the mouth consisting of a handle with three or four equal spikes at one end.
    NOUN. The fork is very useful.
  • Learn: To acquire knowledge of something through study, exercise, or experience.
    VERB. She learn a fable and she liked it a lot.
  • Hurt: Injury, usually bleeding, that occurs in the external tissues of the body as a result of a cut, a shot, a pressure, a brush, etc.
    VERB. He cries because he got hurt.
  • Snore: Hoarse, raspy and serious noise that occurs when breathing while sleeping, due to the vibration of the soft palate.
    VERB. She snore every night.
  • Warm: That is hot or produces heat.
    ADJECTIVE. The temperature was first cold then warm and last today is hot
  • Sport: Physical activity or exercise, subject to certain rules, in which skill, dexterity or physical strength is tested, with or without competition.
    NOUN. The sport that I like the most is soccer.
  • Courage: Courage, decision and passion with which an action is undertaken, especially with which the enemy is attacked or a danger or difficulty is faced.
    NOUN. I have courage to achieve my goals.
  • Pour: To pass a liquid or a disintegrated matter from one container to another.
    VERB. She was pour the water.
  • Oar: Rowing instrument consisting of a long, narrow wooden paddle that allows a boat to be moved or advanced by exerting force on the water.
    NOUN. I like rowing because oar are weightless to me.