
Nat Geo 3 - L2

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  • No, there ____ any bananas.
    No, there AREN'T any bananas.
  • Read: In some parts of Asia you can eat fried silkworms, water bugs, and scorpions on sticks.
    ! ! !
  • May ________, ___?
    May I have some ice cream, please?
  • ____ there ____ ____?
    Is there any meat?
  • Unscramble the sentence: we / May / please? / have / mangoes, / some
    May we have some mangoes, please?
  • Everybody read together:
    ! ! !
  • No, there ___ any lemonade.
    No, there isn't any lemonade.
  • ____ there any ____?
    Is there any corn?
  • No, there ____ any rice.
    No, there isn't any rice.
  • Unscramble the sentence: is / o'clock / at / six / Dinner
    Dinner is a six o'clock.
  • I have an allergy to ____.
    I have an allergy to nuts.
  • Read: In some countries in Latin America, you can eat insects such as ants, termites, and grasshoppers.
    ! ! !
  • What is your favorite snack?
    My favorite snack is ____.
  • May I ___ ___ ___, ___?
    May I have some tomatoes, please?
  • May I have some ____, please?
    May I have some BEANS, please?
  • What snacks can you see? (2)
    I cans see fries, chips, nuts and bread.
  • Everybody sing together:
    ! ! !
  • ___ there any ____?
    Are there any noodles? / Is there any pasta?
  • Unscramble the sentence: right / No, / now / not
    No, not right now.
  • No, there ____ any beans.
    No, there aren't any beans.
  • We need some ____, salt, and oil to make fries.
    We need some potatoes, salt, and oil to make fries.
  • Is ___ ____ yogurt?
    Is there any yogurt?
  • What good things do you eat? (4)
    I eat ___, ___, ___ and ___.
  • May we ______, please?
    May we have some bread, please?
  • Unscramble the sentence: have / please / I / May / some / cookies, / ?
    May I have some cookies, please?
  • What good things do you drink? (3)
    I drink ___, ___ and ___.
  • ___ I have a ____ sandwich, ____?
    May I have a cheese sandwich, please?