
The Aztecs

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  • On special occasions, they watched g______________ .
  • The Aztecs lived ________ years ago.
    700 / a long time ago
  • The Aztecs loved b____ g_____ .
    ball games
  • Their amazing hats had lots of f_______ .
  • The Aztecs liked to h____ and f____ .
    hunt and fish
  • In school, girls learned how to c_____ and s_____ .
    cook and sew
  • They had t_______ in their city to watch songs and plays.
  • Aztec children learned at home until they were f______ years old.
    fourteen (14)
  • Aztec women sewed b_____ into their clothes.
  • Their biggest city was T___________.
    Tenochtitlan (te-nosh-TIT-lan)
  • They didn't read words. They used p_______ .
  • In school, boys learned to r_______ and w_______ .
    read and write
  • The pictures are called h___________.
    hieroglyphics (hi-ro-GLIFF-icks)