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  • Which activities put you in a good mood?
    CLEANING / DANCING / READING a good book / CHATTING with friends
  • Did you AVOID DOING something very important last week? What about last month?
    I AVOIDED MEETING people / I AVOIDED DOING exercise / I didn't avoid anything in particular
  • What skill do you WANT TO IMPROVE this year?
    I WANT TO IMPROVE my English skills / I WANT TO IMPROVE my time-management skills
  • Is CLEANING boring for you?
    No, it's not. CLEANING clears my mind / Yes, CLEANING is the worst
  • What do you HATE DOING first thing in the morning?
    I HATE WAKING UP early / I HATE people SPEAKING to me / I don't hate anything
  • What do you ENJOY the most? Shopping here or abroad?
    I ENJOY SHOPPING here the most because... / I ENJOY SHOPPING abroad because... / I don't enjoy either because...
  • Do you plan TO TRAVEL in the Summer?
    Yes, I do... I plan TO TRAVEL to... / Not yet