
EF Intermediate plus Unit 4

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  • We put rubbish that can’t be recycled in a black b___ b___ , and recycling in a clear one.
    bin bag
  • Most supermarkets don’t give away pl___ b____ any more – they charge for them.
    plastic bags
  • I’ll t___ o___ the rubbish tonight. You did it last week.
    take out
  • I can’t get the l____ off the honey. It’s stuck.
  • I usually g__ a____ my old clothes to a charity shop in the town centre.
    give away
  • What day of the week do the r____ c____ come to take away your rubbish?
    refuse collector
  • I want to throw away this yogurt p____ , but I don’t know if it’s recyclable or not.
  • Some people say you shouldn’t r_ plastic water bottles because they contain dangerous chemicals.
  • You can’t just th__ a___ batteries with your normal rubbish. You need to take them to a recycling centre.
    throw away
  • You can buy soft drinks in a bottle or a c___
  • Please don’t drink milk out of the c_ . Use a glass!
  • Don’t drop that sweet wr___ on the floor, Kirstie. I’ve just finished tidying!
  • The w___ -p___ b____ in my office is always full. I never remember to empty it!
    waste-paper basket
  • Shall we get a p___ of biscuits?
  • There’s a j____ of mayonnaise in the fridge if you want some.
  • We have to r_____ the way we produce and use plastic if we want to stop pollution.
  • Don’t throw away that bottle! R___ it!
  • Paolo cut himself when he was opening a t____ of tuna.
  • A Is there any ice cream left? B There’s a whole new t___ in the freezer.
  • Is this chicken safe to eat? The s___ -b____ d_____ was yesterday!
    sell-by date