
Advanced Language: July 2022

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  • what is the difference between 'local residents' and 'neighbours'
    the former are the people who live in an area, and the latter, people who live in your street
  • what is the name of the water container you might have in your garden to collect rain water?
    a water butt
  • if you are someone who can recognize whether a coffee is good or not, you are a ................ coffee drinker
  • 2 synonyms for 'urgent' matter
    serious pressing
  • another way to say 'the authorities'?
    the powers that be
  • if you are trying to come up with an idea or trying to remember something, you could be said to be '......................... your brain'
    racking your brain
  • what does it mean if an opera gets 'rave reviews'?
    that it is considered to be excellent
  • If you refuse to take back what you said, 'you ................. your .............'.
    stand your ground
  • an expression meaning you have a hectic day
    a lot on your plate
  • if you 'invent' a word or a phrase, what is the verb that is used?
    coin a phrase
  • a synonym for 'address' a concern
    tackle a concern
  • what is a 'life hack'?
    a simple, clever trick to accomplish a familiar task more easily
  • what is the American for the British, 'the icing on the cake'?
    the cherry on top
  • if you enthusiastically go shopping, you can be said to '........ the shops'
  • If you haven't spoken French for some time, you need to ........... up ........ it.
    brush up on it
  • what does it mean, 'to be stuck in a rut'?
    you're fed up with life, but unable to change it
  • where might you work if your name is on the roster?
    in a restaurant or community centre
  • If you have a bad memory, what is it like?
    a sieve
  • what is a 'backlash'?
    a negative reaction by a group of people
  • Which kind of list might the panda have?
    a bucket list
  • which phrasal verb means 'you encounter difficulties'
    come up against
  • when a lot of smoke is pouring out of somewhere, it can be described as '..................'
  • if you meet someone new and both of you take to each other, which expression do we use?
    we hit it off
  • if you have nothing interesting to recount about your holiday, 'you have nothing to ............ ........... about
    nothing to write home about