
Chapter 9

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  • This estimating technique bases the estimate for the current project on a past project of similar size and scope:__________.
    Analogous estimates
  • T/F The project plan is made up of all the documents produced in the planning processes and the project plan should be signed off by the project sponsor and key stakeholders.
  • This is used to measure the actual project expenses against the budgeted expenses: __________ __________.
    Cost baseline
  • T/F. Indirect costs are costs specifically associated with the work of the project.
    False. Indirect costs are costs associated with the project but not directly related to the work of the project.
  • This estimating process technique establishes estimates for each activity and adds them all together to determine an estimate for the project.
    Resource cost rates
  • Add this to the project budget to account for unexpected expenses: _______ __________.
    Contingency reserves
  • This estimating technique involves obtaining quotes for the work or services to be performed.
    Resource cost rates