
Camping Trip Vocabulary

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  • What's it called?
    Camp stove
  • What is a sleeping bag?
    We sleep inside it.
  • What's it called?
  • What's it called?
  • What's it called?
    A fishing rod
  • What is a kettle?
    We can sleep on it
    It boils water
    We can eat it
    It keeps us warm
  • What are binoculars used for?
    To sleep on
    To eat or drink
    To play with
    To see things up close
  • What is a hammock?
    We can eat it
    We can cook on it
    It helps us if we are sick
    We can lie on it and relax
  • What is a bedroll?
    A rolled up sleeping bag
  • What's it called?
    An axe
  • What's it called?
  • What's it called?
  • What does a backpack do?
    It keeps things cool.
    It is a type of food.
    It keeps things hot.
    It stores things.
  • What is a lantern?
    It gives us light.
  • What's it called?
    a sleeping bag
  • What does an axe do?
    It cuts wood or trees
    It makes things sharper
    It keeps things cool
    It is used to cook with
  • What's it called?
    a first-aid kit
  • What's it called?
    a tent
  • What's it called?
    A backpack
  • What's it called?
  • What does a campfire give us?
    Heat/ Warmth / Light
  • What is a tent?
    We stay inside it when we camp.
  • What can we do on a camp stove?
  • What's it called?
  • When would we use a first-aid kit?
    If we are sick or injured
    If we are hungry
    If we are tired
    If we want to have fun
  • What's it called?
  • What's it called?
  • What's it called?
    Hiking boots
  • Whats it called?
    a pair of scissors
  • What is a thermos?
    It keeps things cold or hot.
  • What does a flashlight do?
    It keeps things cool
    It gives us light
    We sleep on it
    It is used to cook
  • Why do we use ropes?
    Ropes are decorations
    Ropes are used to cook
    Ropes tie things together
    We sleep on ropes
  • When do we use hiking boots?
    When we go on a walk
    When we stay home all day
  • What's it called?
  • What is a pocketknife?
    It is a knife you keep in your pocket that can cut things.
  • What is a map?
    It shows us where to go.
  • What's it called?
  • What's it called?
  • What's it called?
  • What is a canoe?
    A small boat
    A type of water
    A kitchen appliance
  • What does a compass tell us?
    It shows us where to go. / It shows us which direction to go
  • What does a cooler do?
    It is used to cook
    It cuts down wood or trees
    It keeps things cool
    It gives us light
  • What's it called?
  • What are matches?
    We can start a fire with matches.
  • What's it called?