
Will - predictions

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  • Is it right? "Students won’t use textbooks. They’ll use virtual reality."
  • Is it right? "We don’t will eat food in the form of a pill."
    We will eat food…
  • Is it right? "With technology, we’ll become part human and part machine."
  • Is it right? "We will find life on other planets?"
    Will we find…
  • Is it right? "Higher education will free for everyone around the world."
    Higher education will be free…
  • Is it right? "Where people will live in the future?"
    Where will people live…
  • Is it right? "High speed transport will to take us from city to city at over 1,000 km per hour."
    High speed transport will take us…
  • Is it right? "People willn’t use smartphones anymore."
    People won’t…