
Game of Thrones quiz

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  • Who did Bronn plan to marry?
    Lollys Stokeworth
  • Tormund claimed a giant fed him when he was only 10. For how long did the giant feed him?
    The giant fed him for three months!
  • Where did Varys and Tyrion espace to in Season 4?
  • What is Lady Mormont’s name?
    Her first name was Lyanna, named after Lyanna Stark.
  • How many daughters did Oberyn Martell have?
  • Missandai was from an island called Naath. What was the common name of that island?
    She was from Naath, known as the Isle of Butterflies.
  • What did Grey Worm tell Jon are Daenerys's commands?
    "Kill all who follow Cersei Lannister"
  • According to the witch, How many children was the king going to have?
  • Who taught Shireen how to read when she was 3 years old?
    Maester Cressen
  • In this scene, Little finger wants to meet Sansa in a designated place. Where is that?
    He wanted to meet her in Mole's Town.
  • How many fingertips did Stannis Baratheon chop off of Davos' hand?
    Four fingertips.
  • Which of the three Sand Snakes was captured by Euron Greyjoy?
    Tyene Sand was captured and the rest were murdered.
  • How many swords did Aegon use to make the Iron Throne?
    He used 1000 blades taken from his fallen enemies.
  • Where do Khaleesis go after their Khals dies?
    They go to the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen to live out their days with other vidows of dead Khals.
  • What noble house is Catelyn Stark from?
    House Tully
  • What was the name of Tommen’s cat which appeared in season 4?
    Ser Pounce
  • According to Stannis, What was the only battle Robert Baratheon lost?
    He was defeated at the battle of Ashford, which was against House Targaryen.
  • What gift did Stannis receive for the birth of her daughter when they were in Dragonstone?
    wooden doll
  • What were Dany's last words?
    "We break the wheel, together"
  • What was the name of Roose Bolton’s second wife?
    She was named "Fat" Walda Frey
  • What is the name of Jon's direwolf?
  • What was the name of the “Sister” in service of the High Sparrow?
    Her name was Septa Unella.
  • Euron Greyjoy abducted one of Daenerys’s important intellectuals. Who was that person?
    He got Missandei.
  • What did Brienne write about Jaime in the "The Book of Brothers"?
    "Died protecting his Queen"