
The Magic Finger

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  • How did the Greggs build the nest?
    multiple answers
  • How do the boys react when they realize they have wings?
    multiple answers
  • How does Mrs Gregg convice the ducks not to shoot them?
    multiple answers
  • When the Greggs have wings intead of arms, What do they eat?
  • Why did the little girl put her magic finger on somebody?
    multiple answers
  • Describe the girl
    multiple answers
  • What did the ducks do in the Gregg's house?
    multiple answers
  • Where do the Greggs sleep when the ducks took their house?
    On a nest at the top of a tree
  • Describe the Greggs
    multiple answers
  • What was the Greggs' new surname?
    the Eggs
  • How old is the girl? And the Gregg boys?
    The girl is 8 years old. Phillip is 8 years old and Willian is 11 years old.
  • Why did the girl get cross at her teacher?
    Because her teacher called her STUPID
  • What happens to Mrs Winter?
    Whiskers and a bushy tail grew on her
  • How many ducks did the Greggs hunt?
  • What happens to Mr Gregg?
    He is tiny and has wings instead of arms
  • How did the Greggs make the nest comfortable and soft?
    They put feathers and leaves
  • What were the Greggs doing when the girl saw them from the gate?
    Mr Gregg was smashing the guns, Mrs Gregg was putting flowers on the ducks' graves and the boys were feeding birds
  • What things changed for the Greggs after being birds?
    Multiple answers
  • Who are they? What's their hobby?
    They are the Greggs. They love hunting for fun
  • What shocks the Greggs when they wake up in the morning?
    The four ducks are aiming at them
  • Who is the narrator of the story?
    the girl
  • Why are the ducks chasing Mr Gregg?
    Because they shot their baby ducks