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  • Helpful: Willing to help, or useful.
    ADJECTIVE. He is helpful to her.
  • Unkind: Not treating someone very well, not considering someone´´s feelings.
    ADJECTIVE. He is not realizing that he is being unkind to her.
  • Dollars: The standard unit of money used in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries.
    NOUN. Love and life cannot be bought with enough dollars.
  • Charity: An organization whose purpose is to give money, food, Or help to those whoneed it , or to carry out activities such as medical researchthat will help people in need, and not to make a profit.
    NOUN. I do charity with other people.
  • Kind: Generous, helpful, and thinking about other people´s feelings.
    ADJECTIVE. They like these kind of clothes to be in the rain.
  • Volunteer: A person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid todo it.
    NOUN. I volunteer to raise my hand in class when they need help.
  • Caring: A caring person is kind and gives emotional support to others.
    ADJECTIVE. I take caring of my dad.
  • Cooperative: Willing to help or do what people ask.
    ADJECTIVE. We are all cooperative in my school.
  • Donate: To give money or goods to help a person or organization.
    VERB. I donate food for those who don't have to eat.
  • Firefighter: A person whose job is to stop fires from burning.
    NOUN. Firefighters put out a fire.
  • Uncaring: Not worrying about other people´s troubles or doing anything to help them.
    ADJECTIVE. He is being uncaring to her.
  • Uncooperative: Not willing to work with or or be helpful to other people.
    ADJECTIVE. He is uncooperative with the baby.
  • Selfish: Someone who is selfishonly thinks of their own advantage.
    ADJECTIVE. She is selfish and does not want to share her toy.
  • Wallet: A small folding case for carrying paper money, credit cards and other flat objects.
    NOUN. This wallet has a lot of money.
  • Unhelpful: Not improving a difficult situation.
    ADJECTIVE. He is unhelpful to lift the box.
  • Stingy: Unwilling to spend money, small in amount.
    ADJECTIVE. He is stingy with money.
  • Generous: Willing to give money, help, kindness, etc, especially more than is usual or expected.
    ADJECTIVE. They are gererous.
  • Community: The people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit.
    NOUN. We are becoming more and more community around the world.
  • Police officer: A male or female member of the police force.
    NOUN. The police officer takes care of me.