
Energy Review

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  • Name 5 renewable sources of energy
    Solar, water, wind, geothermal and biomass
  • Type of energy that comes from stretching a material
    Elastic Potential Energy
  • TRUE/FALSE. Coal generates nuclear waste products
    FALSE. Uranium generates nuclear waste products
  • TRUE/FALSE. Wood from trees has kinetic energy
    FALSE. It has potential energy
  • Chemical energy occurs during a
    Chemical reaction or change
  • Thermal energy causes a transfer of
  • Digestion is an example of
    Chemical Energy.
  • Energy that comes from food.
    Chemical Energy
  • Energy stored in objects
    Potential Energy
  • Heating is an example of
    Thermal energy
  • What two types of sources of energy can electrical energy use?
    Renewable and non-renewable
  • What type of energy comes from burning a candle?
    thermal, light, chemical
  • A waterfall is an example of
    Kinetic Energy
  • The main example of natural light is the
  • Kinetic energy + Potential energy
    Mechanical Energy
  • TRUE/FALSE. Burning biomass cause air pollution
  • What are the three types of fossil fuels?
    Coal, oil and gas.
  • Type of energy that comes from falling objects
    Gravitational Potential Energy
  • What type of energy can be converted into light, heat, sound and movement?
    Electrical energy.
  • What does sound energy produce?
    Vibrations/ waves
  • Type of energy that comes from uranium or plutonium
    Nuclear energy
  • Type of energy that comes from motion
    Kinetic Energy
  • TRUE/FALSE. Building dams cause air pollution.
  • Name 4 non-renewable sources of energy
    Coal, gasoline, gas, minerals, uranium, oil
  • Energy that comes from batteries
    Chemical Energy
  • What kind of power plants use uranium to produce energy?
    Nuclear plant
  • Water stored in a dam is an example of
    Potential Energy
  • What form of energy does a piano produce?
    Sound energy.
  • TRUE/FALSE. Cycling is an example of mechanical energy.
  • An example of artificial light is
    Lightbulb, torches, lamp, etc.
  • Light energy can be
    Natural or Artificial