
Spotlight 8-Unit 1A

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  • Claire is ... at water sports. good...
  • Daniel prefers something (jännittävää) or (outoa).
  • They can't agree on...
    which programme to watch.
  • Shauna can't ... with Daniel.
    ... agree ...
  • Claire hates get (likomäräksi)
    soaking wet.
  • Shauna likes ... and ...
    riding horses - postcrossing
  • Liam (odottaa innokkaasti) our next game. looking forward to...
  • Shauna is using (läppäri) and (videotykki).
    a laptop - a beamer
  • It's easy to (kirjautua).
    sign up.
  • Postcrossing has (jäseniä sadoissa maissa)
    members in hundreds of countries.
  • Members have sent (miljoonia) postcards since postcrossing began.
    ... millions of...
  • Liam would like to take up ... someday.
  • It can help you (parantaa) your writing skills.
    ... improve...
  • Shauna (ei voi sietää) chess.
    ...can't stand...
  • Claire, Liam, Shauna and Daniel are ...
    good friends.
  • Claire likes ... series.
    ... vampire ...
  • Daniel beat Liam...
    at chess.
  • Members (lähettää) and (vastaanottaa) postcards.
    send - receive