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  • CHANGE THE WORD: INVITE: You might ask why anyone in their right mind would build a settlement in so ____ a location.
  • SAME MEANING (3-8 words): use NECESSARY: If you need to contact me urgently, then ring this number. - Should ___, ring this number.
    it be necessary to contact me urgently / you find it necessary to contact me urgently
  • SAME MEANING (3-8 words): use DELAY: If I had known the flight was going to be late leaving, I wouldn't have bothered rushing to the airport. - Had I ________ to my flight, I wouldn't have bothered rushing to the airport
    known there would be a delay/ known aboutt he delay / known there was going to be a delay
  • SAME MEANING (3-8 words): use BOUND: I'm sure that the hotel will be good, as it was recommended by Pablo. - The _______ recommended it to me.
    hotel is bound to be good as / because / since Pablo
  • CHANGE THE WORD: GLORY / CIRCLE: The thing to remember, he told me, was that however ____ its churches and palaces, the greatest miracle was the city itself, ____ by sea and marsh.
  • SAME MEANING (3-8 words): use ALTERNATIVE: I'm afraid the only option open to me is to ask you to leave the restaurant. - I ______ you to leave the restaurant.
    have no alternative but to ask
  • CHANGE THE WORD: PERPETUATE: And the lagoon continued to protect Venice throughout her history, separating her from ____ feuding cities of the mainland.
  • CHANGE THE WORD: ANTIQUE: In the days of ____, Venice did not exist.
  • CHANGE THE WORD: THINK: My parents an I had driven from Milan, but they had very ____left the car at Mestre, because they knew how vital first impressions were. _
  • CHANGE THE WORD: INHABIT: In the fifth and sixth centuries, the Barbarians swept into Italy, and panic stricken ____ of the great mainland cities fled to the lagoon.
  • SAME MEANING (3-8 words): use SHOULDER: The authorities made the landlord take on the financial burden of looking after the building. - The landlord ___ looking after the building.
    had to / was made to shoulder the financial burden of
  • CHANGE THE WORD: GRATEFUL: Today, more than ever, we have cause for ____: it is thanks only to the lagoon that Venice has been spared the motor car.
  • CHANGE THE WORD: TAKE: That afternoon my father ____to show me Venice.
  • SAME MEANING (3-8 words): use VERGE: David looked as if he was about to cry when he saw the damage to his motorbike. - David looked like ___ when he saw the damage to his motorbike.
    he was on the verge of crying / tears