
Summer School

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  • Daniel’s mom cut 2 peaches into 9 slices each. How many peach slices in all?
  • Rachel picked out 28 of the most beautiful rocks in her collection. She arranged them in 4 equal rows. How many rocks were there in each row?
  • Some of the kids carried cups of juice to people sitting at tables. Soon, there were only 18 cups of juice left, arranged in 3 equal rows. How many cups were there in each row?
  • Jake and his brother, Tanner, mow lawns to earn extra money. Last weekend, they earned $30 mowing 6 lawns. How much did they earn per lawn if they charged the same for each?
  • Cory had 30 pieces of pineapple. He put 5 of the pieces in each dessert glass. How many glasses did he use?
  • Carly found 35 Lego figures in her toy box. She set them up in 5 equal rows. How many Lego figures were there in each row?
  • Carlos went to the neighbor’s garage sale. He took $8 and came home with 4 almost‐new DVDs. If he spent all his money and paid the same amount for each DVD, how much did each DVD cost?
  • There are 28 students in Mr. Jansen’s class. When they went to the library, the librarian asked them to sit 4 at each table. How many tables did it take to seat them all?
  • James had 30 carrots. He put 5 of the carrots on each plate. How many plates did he use?
  • If it takes 12 pieces of embroidery thread to make a chevron friendship bracelet, and each piece has to be 2 feet long, how many feet of thread does it take to make one bracelet?
  • The students got to check out new books before they left the library. Nine of them checked out 3 books each. How many books in all?
  • Maria José laid out some of her baseball cards on the rug. She made 3 rows of cards, with 7 cards in each row. How many cards were there in all?
  • Sara got 2 bags of tiny stuffed animals at the garage sale. Each bag had 5 tiny stuffed animals in it. How many tiny stuffed animals did Sara get in all?
  • There are 5 stacks of 3 books waiting to be reshelved. How many books in all?
  • Rachel cut 2 bananas into 8 pieces each. How many pieces of banana in all?
  • Fifteen middle-school students came to basketball practice. Coach Adams had them divide into groups of 3 for drills. How many groups were there?
  • Eight of Mrs. Lee’s students checked out 2 books each. How many books in all?
  • There are 8 yards of embroidery thread in a pack. If there are 3 feet in a yard, how many feet of embroidery thread are there in a pack?
  • He has 25 Star Wars stickers. He wants to arrange them in rows of 5 on the second page. How many rows can he make?
  • Lori discovered some colored glass beads in the box of wooden beads. The girls made 2 necklaces, with 10 colored glass beads on each. How many glass beads did they use in all
  • When they got back to class, Mrs. Hernandez asked the 20 kindergartners to line up in rows of 10 for a game. How many rows were they able to make?
  • DJ earned $20 washing cars on Saturday. He washed 4 cars, and charged the same amount for each one. How much did he charge to wash each car?
  • Maria José sold 5 pairs of shoes she’d outgrown at her neighbor’s garage sale. If she earned $5 and charged the same amount for each pair, how much did each pair cost?
  • Miranda gathered up 24 of her best model cars and set them up in 4 equal rows. How many cars were there in each row?
  • Ebony had 35 cherry tomatoes. She put 5 of the tomatoes into each salad bowl. How many bowls did she use?
  • He has 48 animal stickers he got at a garage sale last month. He wants to put them in rows of 8 on the third page. How many rows can he make?
  • Some of the other fifth graders think the rows will be too long that way. They want to display the work in 5 equal rows. How many oil pastels would there be in each row if they did this?
  • Brad has 20 Disney stickers. He wants to arrange them in rows of 4 on the first page. How many rows can he make?
  • After they were finished practicing, Mr. Greene had 2 of the rows of 8 students sit down, while the others went to get a drink of water. How many students sat down?
  • Pretty soon, there were only 2 rows of 7 plates sitting on the table near the cooking area. How many plates was that?
  • When the kindergartners came to the library, the librarian asked them to sit on the rug as usual, in 4 rows of 5. How many kindergartners were there in all?
  • Then Daniel put 2 slices of melon into each of the 6 bowls. How many slices of melon did he use?
  • Eric hunted around to find all of his toy dinosaurs. There were 72, and he put them into 9 equal rows. How many dinosaurs were there in each row?
  • Some of the kids helped cut up melons and put them on little plates. Then they put the 32 plates of melon in rows of 8. How many rows were there?
  • Mai had 21 orange slices. She put 7 slices on each plate. How many plates did she use?
  • The teachers decided to set up the preschoolers’ clay animals in the glass display case. There are 30 clay animals and 6 shelves in the display case. If they divide the animals equally, how many will there be on each shelf?
  • After they did some stretches, Ms. Ortega had the 24 kids get into groups of 4 to play a game. How many groups were there?
  • When they got back to class, Mr. Jansen had his 28 students split into 4 equal groups to work on their research reports. How many students were in each group?
  • It takes 2 pieces of embroidery thread in each of 3 different colors to make a fishtail friendship bracelet. How many pieces of thread are needed to make one bracelet?
  • As soon as the first 24 pancakes were done, one of the parents started piling them onto plates to be served. She put 3 pancakes on each plate. How many plates did she fill?
  • Ebony and her sister, Imani, did chores for their aunt last weekend. The girls earned $18 and divided it evenly. How much money did each girl get?
  • Shanda has 36 president stamps. She wants to display them in rows of 6 on the first page. How many rows can she make?
  • Ms. Kim got 20 balloons. She wants to decorate each table in her classroom with 5 of the balloons. How many tables can she decorate?
  • Daniel and his sister are helping make fruit salad for dessert. They each peeled 2 oranges for the salad. How many oranges did they peel in all?
  • Julia had 3 apples. She cut each apple into 6 slices. How many apple slices were there in all when Julia was finished?
  • The third graders have 63 self-portraits to display on one of the walls in the gym. They’re going to arrange them so there are 9 in each row. How many rows will there be in their display?
  • A couple of the girls set out 5 rows of 6 paper cups for one of the parents to fill with juice. How many cups in all?
  • Elisa has 4 fish. She gave each of them 2 shrimp pellets this morning. How many shrimp pellets did Elisa’s fish eat in all?
  • At the end of gym class, Ms. Ortega asked the 24 kids to form 2 lines at the door. How many kids were there in each line?
  • Rico arranged 81 of his very best seashells in 9 equal rows. How many seashells were there in each row?
  • Joseph had 15 chunks of celery. He put 5 of the celery chunks in each salad. How many salads was Joseph making?
  • The kindergartners are going to display their shape collages in the front hall. There are 55 collages, and the kids want to put 11 in each row. How many rows can they make?
  • Another parent brought a pot of coffee for the grown‐ups. The pot was filled with 4 quarts of coffee. How many cups was that? (Remember that there are 4 cups in a quart.)
  • Ebony and her mom bought 5 new dresses for $2 each at the garage sale. How much money did they owe?
  • Shanda has lots of stamps from other countries. She wants to put all 35 Nigerian stamps on one page. How many rows can she make if she puts 5 in each row?
  • If it takes 6 pieces of embroidery thread to make a fishtail friendship bracelet, and each piece has to be 2 feet long, how many feet of thread does it take to make a bracelet?
  • It takes 1 piece of embroidery thread in each of 4 different colors to make a lots‐of‐knots friendship bracelet. How many pieces of thread will Marcus need to make one bracelet?
  • Daniel’s sister, Rachel, set out 6 bowls for the fruit salad. She put 3 strawberries into each bowl. How many strawberries in all?
  • If it takes 4 pieces of embroidery thread to make a lots‐of‐knots friendship bracelet, and each piece has to be 3 feet long, how many feet of thread does it take to make a bracelet?
  • Alexus earned $20 yesterday babysitting the little boy next door. She babysat for 5 hours. How much money did she earn per hour?
  • Jasmine bought 3 packs of toy mice for her kittens to play with. If each pack had 3 toy mice in it, how many toy mice did Jasmine get in all?
  • One of the parent helpers cooked eggs for the kids who wanted them. Twelve kids asked for eggs, and they each got 2. How many eggs did the helper cook in all
  • Eric has 30 stickers. He wants to arrange them in 5 equal rows on the first page of his new sticker book. How many stickers will there be in each row?
  • There is enough thread in one pack to make 2 bracelets. How many bracelets can you make with 8 packs of thread?
  • After lots of debate, they finally decided to display the 60 oil pastels in 6 equal rows. How many were there in each row?
  • The music teacher arranged her chairs in 4 rows. She put 7 chairs in each row. How many chairs were there in all?
  • Brad got 42 Nintendo stickers for his birthday. He wants to put them in rows of 6 on the fourth page. How many rows can he make?
  • Shanda has 16 butterfly stamps. If she arranges them with 4 in each row, how many rows can she make?
  • Briana sold 3 skirts for $2 each at the garage sale. How much money did she make?
  • DJ has a pet frog. If the frog eats 2 bugs a day, how many bugs will DJ need to catch to feed his frog for 4 days?
  • Kyson bought 4 cans of tennis balls at the garage sale. Each can had 3 balls in it. How many tennis balls did Kyson buy in all?
  • Later on, Mr. Greene had the 32 students stand up and form rows of 8 to practice the song they were going to perform that night. How many rows were there when the students got themselves arranged?
  • When the kids walked into the gym this morning, Ms. Ortega had them form 3 groups of 8. How many kids in all?
  • When the 32 third graders walked into the music room, Mr. Greene asked them to sit in 4 equal rows. How many third graders sat in each row?
  • Daniel is going to put 1 cherry on top of each of the 6 fruit salads. How many cherries will he need?
  • James baked 24 muffins. He divided the muffins evenly onto 4 plates. How many muffins did he put on each plate?
  • Mr. Gordon served up 18 pancakes. He put 3 of them on each plate. How many plates did he use?
  • Imani made an array of 49 hair barrettes. She set them up in 7 equal rows. How many barrettes were there in each row?
  • Andre found 45 football cards in his drawer. He set them up in 5 equal rows. How many football cards were there in each row?
  • One of the parents brought oranges to serve with the pancakes. She asked some of the girls to cut each orange into 8 slices. When they were finished, they had 80 orange slices. How many oranges did the parent bring?
  • Craig pulled out 100 of his favorite baseball cards and set them up in 10 equal rows. How many baseball cards were there in each row?
  • Each of the 64 second graders has made a fabric quilt square. A parent is going to help them stitch the squares together to make one large quilt. They want to put 8 squares in each row. How many rows will their quilt have?
  • Brandon bought 3 bags of cat food for $6 a bag. How much did he pay in all?
  • even of Mrs. Shelby’s students went to check out books for their research projects. Each of them came back with 4 books. How many books in all?
  • The libriarian has a collection of new books near her desk. There are 4 shelves, with 4 new books on each shelf. How many new books in all?
  • Sergio has 3 dogs. If he gives each dog 4 biscuits, how many biscuits will he need in all?
  • Maria’s family has 2 fish tanks. If there are 7 fish in each tank, how many fish does the family have in all?
  • She’s going to arrange her 45 flower stamps on the next page. If she puts them in rows of 9, how many rows can she make?
  • Sara had 24 grapes. She put 6 of the grapes in each cup. How many cups did she use?
  • Jade and her little brother, Luis, went to the library yesterday. They checked out 3 books each. How many books did they check out in all?
  • It takes 8 pieces of embroidery thread to make a hearts friendship bracelet. How many strands of thread would you need to make 5 hearts friendship bracelets?