
Prepare 2 End of Online Course Review

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  • Tell me three things you can do on school trips.
    Go to a museum/ visit a farm/ go on a nature walk...
  • Give me three ways to complete this sentence: I woke up when you...
    were working/ called me/ were making breakfast
  • Tell me three ways to complete this sentence: I failed my exams so my parents..
  • Tell me three ways of describing the weather in Malaga in the summer.
    It is hot, it is sunny, it isn't cloudy.
  • Tell me three things you have to do in English class.
    I have to speak in English/ listen to the teacher...
  • Tell me three types of TV programmes you don't like watching.
    I don't like... the news...
  • Tell me three things you can pick up from the floor.
    A pen/ a pencil/ a shoe
  • I am not working tomorrow. Give me three suggestions of things I can do.
    Why don't you../Let's.../Shall we.../ Why not...?
  • Tell me three things you were doing last Saturday.
    I was...
  • Tell me three wild animals.
  • Tell me three things your friends aren't going to do in July.
    They aren't going to go to school, they aren't going to...
  • Give me three sentences to describe a bear.
    it is a wild animal, it is big, it has got four legs.
  • Give me three ways to complete this sentence: While I was studying, you...
    called me/ came home/ shouted
  • Tell me three things your dad has to do today.
    He has to...
  • Tell me three animals that are domestic or wild.
    Mouse/ Rat/ Rabbit...
  • Tell me three things you were doing last month.
    I was...
  • Tell me three things you are going to do in July.
    I am going to...
  • Give me three sentences to describe a mouse.
    It has got a long tail, it is small, it is a domestic and wild animal.
  • Give me three ways to complete this sentence: I am going to go to the beach when....
    I don't have to study, it is sunny, I have time
  • tell me three kinds of TV programme that you like watching.
    Cartoons/ reality show/ the news / documentaries....
  • Tell me three people or things you can look after.
    A pet/ sister/ brother...
  • Tell me three ways to complete this sentence: I went to bed late last night because...
    I wasn't tired/ I was playing computer games/ I was talking to my mum.
  • Tell me three different types of magazine.
    Sports/Entertainment/ Video Games...
  • There are lots of mountains in the countryside. Tell me three more things you can find in the countryside.
    Valleys/ Volcanoes/ Fields/ Cliffs...
  • Tell me three things about a monkey.
    It lives in a forest or jungle, it has got two hands, it is a wild animal.
  • Tell me three things a police officer doesn't have to do.
    A police officer doesn't have to...
  • Tell me three things your friends don't have to do at the weekend.
    They don't have to...
  • Tell me three different types of water you can find in nature.
  • Tell me three things you and your family are going to do in the summer.
    We are going to...
  • Tell me three things you don't have to do in the summer holidays.
    I don't have to go to school / do homework/ study...
  • Tell me three things you have to do to help at home.
    I have to wash the dishes/ clean my room/ cook dinner/ walk the dog...22
  • Tell me three things your mum doesn't have to do at the weekend.
    She doesn't have to go to work/ clean the house/ wash the dishes.
  • Tell me three animals which live in the sea
  • Tell me three domestic animals.
  • Tell me three things your family was doing when you went to bed last night.
    My family was... watching TV...
  • Tell me three ways of describing the weather in Malaga in December.
    It is cold, it is rainy, it is windy.
  • Tell me three things you can turn on and turn off.
    A mobile phone/ a computer/ the television
  • Tell me three forms of transport you can get on.
    A bus/ a plane/ a boat/ a train
  • Tell me three things a teacher has to do.
    A teacher has to teach...
  • Tell me three things your mum was doing last night.
    She was...