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  • what number is it?
    It's number twenty (20)
  • How many beds can you see?
    three (3)
  • what is this?
    A CAR
  • what color is number 8 ?
  • How many numbers are there?
    There are five numbers
  • Is it a bookshelf?
    yes, it is
  • Count from 1 to 14
  • what color is the ball?
    It is white and black
  • what color are socks?
    They are pink
  • Is it a desk?
    No, it isn't. It's a chair
  • How many books are there?
    seven (7)
  • what number is it?
    It's number 19
  • what number is it?
    It's number twelve (12)
  • what color is this apple?
    It is green
  • Nhìn hình đoán từ vựng