
Healthy Plate

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  • What nutrient helps us build muscles?
  • Meat and fish contain what nutrient that gives us energy?
  • What should you drink if you want strong teeth and bones?
  • What food groups does chicken on rice contain?
    Chicken = meat and others. Rice = whole grains
  • Name a food in the 'whole grains' food group.
  • Why should you not drink sodas everyday?
    They contain too much sugar.
  • Name a food in the 'fruits and vegetables' food group.
  • What food group is pasta in?
    Whole grains
  • How long should you be active or exercise each day?
    At least 60 minutes.
  • Fruits and vegetables have a lot of _________ and minerals.
  • What does fibre do?
    It helps us get rid of waste products. (helps us go to the toilet)
  • How many glasses of water should you drink every day?
    8 glasses
  • What food group are eggs in?
    Meat and others
  • What food group contains a lot of fibre?
    Fruits and vegetables
  • What 3 meals should you have regularly?
    Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Name a food in the 'meat and others' food group.
  • What nutrient is good for our bones and teeth?
  • What should you do before going swimming.
    Take a shower before swimming.
  • Chewing food well will help you ________ food.
  • What are the 3 food groups?
    Fruits & vegetables, meat & others, and whole grains.
  • What food group are bananas in?
    Fruits and vegetables
  • What food group is tofu in?
    Meat and others
  • What food group is bread in?
    Whole grains