
Modern Spain: 20th Century

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  • Who was president during the Second Republic?
    Manuel Azaña
  • Who was the first Prime Minister of Spain after the death of Franco?
    Adolfo Suárez
  • Were trade unions legal during the dictatorship?
  • What was the ETA?
    A Basque terrorist group
  • What kind of government does Spain currently have?
    Democracy, parliamentary monarchy
  • In what year was the Second Republic established?
  • What were the two sides during the Spanish Civil War?
    Nationalists and Republicans
  • What country supported the Republicans?
    The Soviet Union
  • The Restoration ended when who became dictator in 1931?
    Primo de Rivera
  • What countries supported the Nationalists?
    Germany and Italy
  • What are the three branches of the government?
    Legislative, executive, judicial
  • What document guarantees the right to vote and other rights?
    The Constitution
  • Who painted the Guernica?
    Pablo Picasso
  • Name a famous Spanish Surrealist artist.
    Joan Miró, Salvador Dali
  • The attack on Guernica happened during which war?
    The Spanish Civil War
  • What artistic movement represents imaginary scenes and fantasies
  • What is censorship?
    Limits on freedom of the press
  • Were political parties legal during the dictatorship?
  • In what year did Spain become a member of the European Union?
  • Who became king when the monarchy was restored in 1975?
    King Juan Carlos I
  • What 2 political parties have ruled Spain since the democracy began?
    Socialist Party PSOE, and People’s Party PP
  • Who was dictator of Spain between 1923 and 1931?
    Primo de Rivera
  • Name a Spanish poet of the Generation of '27.
    Miguel Hernádez, Federico García Lorca
  • Which side supported Franco during the civil war?
  • Who was one of the most influential cubist artists?
    Pablo Picasso
  • In 2002 the euro replaced the ______ as Spain's currency.
  • All men and women could vote in the ______ Republic.
    Second Republic
  • How often are elections held in Spain?
    Every 4 years
  • Freedom of the press was replaced with what?
  • What were the three pillars of Franco’s dictatorship?
    The military, the Catholic Church, and the Falange
  • What type of art represents ideas rather than reality?
    Abstract art
  • Approximately how many people died in the Spanish Civil War?
  • What artistic movement used geometric shapes to represent people and things?
  • What games ocurred in Barcelona in 1992?
    The Summer Olympics
  • What dictator ruled Spain until 1975?
  • What year did the Spanish Civil War end?