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  • Which table doesn't have legs?
  • What do tigers have that no other animals have?
    baby tiger
  • I’m not an airplane, but I can fly through the sky. I’m not a river, but I’m full of water. What am I?
    a cloud
  • I can’t walk very fast. I carry my home on my back. I lay my eggs in the sand. What am I?
    a turtle
  • 10 fish are in a tank. 2 Drown, 4 Swim away, and 3 Die. How many are left?
  • ?
    All over the world
  • ?
    once in a blue moon
  • If a rooster lays an egg on the exact peak of a barn, which side does it fall?
    Roosters don't lay eggs
  • ?
    try to understand
  • If I drink, I die If I eat, I’m fine What am I?
  • I have 6 faces but do not have a nose or mouth. I also have 21 eyes…but cannot see. What am I?
    a dice(die)
  • From what number can one take half and leave nothing?
  • There is a green house. Inside the green house is a white house. Inside the white house is a red house. Inside the red house are lots of babies. What am I?
  • How many bananas can you eat if your stomach is empty?
    Just one. After that your stomach is not empty anymore
  • ?
    forgive and forget
  • What is the smallest room in the world?
  • ?
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