
Force Vs pressure

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  • Normal atmospheric pressure(value)
    101300 Nm-2.
  • Why is water not a suitable barometric liquid?
    Low density/stick to the container/transparent
  • The atmospheric pressure at the earths surface is P1 and inside mine is P2.then how they are related
    P1 < P2
  • State weather pressure is a scalar or vector
  • The pressure at a depth in a fluid column does not depend on
    the shape of the structure containing the fluid.
  • pressure is-------in all directions about a point in a liquid
  • The unit torr is related to the barometric height as:
    1 torr = 1 mm of Hg
  • Pressure, for the same thrust, can be increased by decreasing
  • The pressure inside a liquid of density of d is
  • What physical quantity is measured in torr?
    atmospheric pressure
  • Pressure of a liquid at a given depth is--------------to the density of liquid
    directly proportional
  • Mention one factor on which atmospheric pressure depend
    altitude/density of air
  • is a device used in aircraft to measure its altitude.
    An altimeter
  • The pressure which is exerted by air around us is known as
    atmospheric presssure
  • The SI unit of pressure is
  • State weather thrust is a scalar or vector
  • Which physical quantity is measured in bar
    atmospheric pressure
  • ------ is the pressure acting on a surface if a thrust of 1 N is applied in a unit area.
  • Why do we not feel uneasy under enormous pressure of the atmosphere above as well as around us?
    because of the pressure of our blood, known as blood pressure, is slightly more than the atmospheric pressure.
  • Which devise is used to measure the atmospheric pressure
  • How is the barometric height of a simple barometer affected if A drop of liquid is inserted inside the tube?
    The barometric height decreases