
Modern Spain: 19th century

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  • Before the Industrial Revolution, society was divided into what three classes?
    Clergy, nobility, and ordinary people
  • The Constitution of Cadiz abolished the Spanish ____?
  • Which wars were fought about who should inherit the throne of Spain?
    The Carlist Wars
  • What is and ABSOLUTE monarchy?
    The king has all the power
  • In what country did the Industrial Revolution begin?
    Great Britain
  • What are the three central ideas of the French Revolution?
    Liberty, equality, and fraternity
  • What year did the modern age begin?
  • In the early Modern Age, education was limited to what class of people?
    Upper and middle classes
  • Did the Industrial Revolution happen quickly in Spain?
    No, it happened slowly.
  • Who was really in control of Spain during the rule of King Carlos IV?
    Manuel Godoy
  • What famous Catalan architect was a Modernist artist?
  • What artistic movement often represents working class life?
  • What military commander became Emperor of France?
    Napolean Bonaparte
  • In 1898 Spain fought a war with the United States over what three colonies?
    Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
  • What happened in Paris on 14 July 1789?
    The attack on the Bastille
  • What class of people lost special privileges during the French Revolution?
    The Nobility
  • Spain lost most of its _____ in the 19th century.
  • What were the three branches of government in the French Republic?
    Legislative, executive, and judicial
  • What major invention transformed transportation in the 19th century?
    The steam engine
  • What was the Disaster of ´98?
    Spain lost control of its colonies to the United States
  • The Spanish War of Independence lasted from 1808 to what year?
  • What treaty allowed the French army to cross Spain to conquer Portugal?
    The Treaty of Fontainebleau
  • What happened in Madrid on 2 May 1808?
    A revolt against the French
  • Who did Napoleon make King of Spain?
    Joseph Bonaparte, his brother
  • What does bourgeoisie mean?
    Middle class
  • How long did the First Republic last?
    One year
  • What very important document was written in Cadiz in 1812
    The Constitution of Cadiz
  • What is a country that is part of an empire called?
  • After the Industrial Revolution, society was divided into what three classes?
    Upper class, middle class, and working class
  • In the French Revolution, what king did the French people rebel against?
    Louis XVI
  • What famous Spanish artist was an example of Romanticism?
  • This artistic movement was a reaction against Romanticism.
  • True or False: agriculture became more important than industry.
  • What artistic movement was a reaction to the Industrial Revolution?
  • What year was the Spanish-American War?
  • True or False: People moved to cities to work in factories.
  • What major event signaled the beginning of the modern age?
    The French Revolution
  • What accident caused the United States to declare war on Spain?
    The explosion of the battleship USS Maine in Cuba
  • Why did the population of Europe double in the 19th century?
    Because of improved hygiene and healthcare.
  • What influenced the Spanish colonies to fight for independence?
    The French Revolution
  • What country did Spain fight in the Spanish War of Independence?