
Policies and procedures

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  • Do you ever touch anything that is on your teacher's desk
  • What is the first consequence if you break a rule?
    yellow tag
  • What type of science will you learn about in this class?
    Earth Science
  • If the bell rings you should....
    wait for your teacher to dismiss you
  • If something is wrong with your computer/ipad you should....
    let the teacher know immediately
  • What is the 3rd consequence if a rule is broken?
    Lunch detention and call home
  • What is the second consequence when a rule is broker?
    Red tag---work it out packet
  • When a visitor enters the room you should.....
    remain quiet and continue to work
  • How do you throw away trash?
    throw trash in your group trash can
  • What should you do when you enter the room?
    Sit in assigned seat, write down date, standards, objectives, agenda and bellringer in composition book
  • What happens if you commit a severe offense?
    Immediate office referral
  • If your teacher is out you should.....
    Follow all rules and procedures as if she were here
  • True or false: you should remain seated in your seat at all times
  • What is the reward for positive behavior?
    Warrior Bucks
  • how do you walk in the hallway?
    In the line on the line
  • What is the 4th consequence if a rule is broken?
    Teacher will stop, analyze, and redirect to decide if a referral should be given
  • What are the five classroom rules?
    1. Follow all directions the first time; raise your hand ;Report directly to assigned seat; Treat others the way you want to be treated; keep an inside voice