
Bricklaying Starter Quiz

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  • What sort of sand do we use when mixing?
    Building Sand
  • What is the required gauge for most brickwork?
    75mm each time
  • What is this tool called?
    Builders Square
  • Balance on 1 leg for 10 seconds
    well done!!
  • What is the method called when using a tape measure to make sure the brick is positioned correctly?
  • What is the method called when a level goes across the face of our bricks diagonally?
  • Why do we use Corner Blocks/ Pins and line?
    To keep our work level over a large distance instead of using a level- faster production
  • What is the most common ratio when mixing mortar?
  • What is half brick walling?
    When a wall isn't bonded with two skins of brickwork
  • What is a jointer used for?
    Giving the bed and perps a half round recessed finish for aesthetics and a place for water to go.
  • 30 second plank!!!
    Well done!!
  • Name 2 purposes of a wheelbarrow
    To carry Brick/ To carry Mortar/ To collect debris
  • What is the most important tool a bricklayer should bring to work everyday?
    A radio
  • What are all beds and perps meant to be in mm?
  • 10 pressups!!
    Well done
  • What are brick tongs/grabs used for?
    Carrying up to 6 bricks at a time
  • What is the method called when we put a level across our bricks?
  • What is the method called when you put your level up the side of your work?
    Plumbing/ Plumb
  • What do you call the mortar on the bottom of the bricks when building?
  • What is this tool called?
    Bricklaying Trowel