
Động vật

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  • I am large. My skin is gray. I have a long nose. What am I?
    Con voi
  • What animal has black and white stripes?
    Con ngựa vằn
  • I'm big and fluffy. I live in the woods and give big hugs, and if I live on your bed you might call me Ted. Who am I?
    con gấu
  • What animal likes to eat bananas?
    Con khỉ
  • I live in a river. People think I'm scary. I have green scales, a long face, a long tail, and very sharp teeth. What am I?
    Con cá sấu
  • I have no arms or legs, but my tongue is very long. I have a long, skinny body. I like to hide in the grass. What am I?
    Con rắn
  • I am tall. I have a very long neck. My fur is yellow with brown spots. What am I?
    Con hươu cao cổ
  • I have long ears and a small nose. My fur is white. I love to eat carrots! Magicians like to put me in their hats. What am I?
    con thỏ
  • What animal likes to chase mice?
    con mèo
  • I'm the fastest land animal in the world. Who am I?
    Con báo
  • I am pink, fat, and I have a special nose. I also have a curly tail. I like to play in the mud with my friends. What am I?
    Con heo
  • I live on a farm. I have soft, white, fluffy wool. You need to cut off my wool or I won't be able to see anything! What am I?
    Con cừu
  • What animal has a brown mane?
    Con sư tử
  • What animal is very slow?
    Con rùa