
6A U1-U2 Review

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  • What was he doing at 10 a.m.?
    He was vacuuming.
  • What has/have .... been doing? .... has/have been .... for .... .
    looking for its bone/2 hours
  • What has/have .... been doing? .... has/have been .... for .... .
    making its cobweb/an hour
  • How long has he/she ....? He's/She's .... since .... .
    practiced yoga/November
  • How long have they ....? They've .... since .... .
    been married/last Thursday
  • I've already.... It's the most....
    drunk this soda/disgusting
  • How long has he/she ....? He's/She's .... since .... .
    practiced ballet/2004
  • I've already.... It's the most....
    sung this song/confusing
  • How long has/have .... been .... ?
    collecting comic books/3 days
  • What has/have .... been doing? .... has/have been .... for .... .
    painting the wall/5 hours
  • read this story/fascinating
    I've already.... It's the most....
  • What was he doing at 11:30 p.m.?
    She was looking at the stars.
  • Has he ..... for a long time? (this morning)
    Not really.
  • I've already.... It's the most....
    played this game/frustrating
  • How long has/have .... been .... ?
    swimming in the ocean/20 minutes