
Arvei Pesachim 102b

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  • מִי אוֹתְבִינֵּיהּ
    asked a question against him
  • חֲדָא זִימְנָא
    one time (once before)
  • Rabbi Yoichonon does NOT assume that they ONLY argue with Shivas Haminim but with Borey Nefoshois...They argue with all foods. הוא הדין בדברים שאין טעונין ברכה לאחריהן במקומן Rabbi Yehuda is mentioned because...
    Rabbi Yehuda rules to repeat the first berocho to continue eating any food even Shivas haminim. Shivas haminim is mentioned to highlight how strict Rabbi Yehuda
  • What does R' Yehuda say from the Braiso that talks about שינוי מקום after eating Shivas Haminim?
    Rabbi Yehuda rules repeat the first berocho to continue eating the Shivas haminim
  • לימא תיהוי תיובתא דרבי יוחנן We logically assumed that they ONLY argue with Shivas Haminim but with Borey Nefoshois...The Rabbonon hold...
    Rabonon also rule to repeat the first berocho to continue eating Borey Nefoshois type of foods
  • וְלָאו
    Have we not
  • נֵימָא
    Let us say
  • לימא תיהוי תיובתא דרבי יוחנן we logically assumed that they ONLY argue with Shivas Haminim but with Borey Nefoshois... Rabbi Yehuda rules...
    Rabbi Yehuda rules to repeat the first berocho to continue eating Borey Nefoshois type of foods
  • What does the Rabbonon (Tana Kama) say from the Braiso talks about שינוי מקום after eating Shivas Haminim
    Rabonon [Tana Kama] rule NOT to repeat the first berocho to continue eating the Shivas haminim
  • מֵהָא נָמֵי
    that from here also
  • תִּיהַוֵי תְּיוּבְתָּא
    it should be a refutation?