
Matter and machines

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  • What type of energy is this?
    Light energy
  • If I freeze water, what type of change is?
    Physical change
  • Which is the difference between a homogeneous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture?
    In the first one you can't see the components and the second one you can see them
  • What change is it..?
    Chemical change
  • Is tidal energy a renewable resoruce?
  • If I want to watch the TV I need .... energy
  • What are bending, stretching and compressing?
  • Which are the fossil fuels?
    Coal, gas and oil
  • What are the properties of the energy?
    We can transfer it, transform it, store it ans transport it
  • What is the energy associated to motion and position?
  • What is this method?
  • What resources don't run out?
    Renewable resources
  • How can we measure the volumen?
    In litres
  • What is the mass?
    It is the amount of matter in an object
  • Has energy mass and space?
  • What is a pure substance?
    It is formed by one substance
  • How can we separate the oil with the water?