
Unit 6 Learning and doing

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  • cope with (loại từ, meaning?)       -ex: i can't cope with all this homework i've got to do!
    (v) ​to deal successfully with something difficult = manage
  • turn over (pv)                                       -ex: she told us to turn our exam papers over.
    turn something so the other side is towards you.                          
  • help (somebody) with (loại từ, meaning?)                                                -ex: He always helps with the housework.
    (v) - giúp đỡ ai đó với...
  • in fact
    i thought the exam would be difficult but, in fact, it was really easy.
  • by heart
    learn by heart                                     -ex: we learnt that poem by  heart but i've forgotten it now.
  • talented at (loại từ, meaning?)      ex: Sasha is really talented at tango dancing.
    (adj) having a natural ability to do something well.                            
  • Cross out (pv)                                         -ex we had to cross it out neatly.
    draw a line through sth written.                                                    
  • point out (pv)                                       -ex: Mrs Jennings pointed out that there were only five minutes left. oh dear!
    tell sb important information.   
  • cheat at/in (loại từ, meaning?)    ex: you didn't cheat in the exam, did you?
    (v) - lừa dối, gian lận                           
  • capable of (loại từ, meaning?). ex: i'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you.
    (adj) - having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something                                          
  • know about (loại từ, meaning?)   -ex:  i don't know anything about designing clothes at all!
    (v) biết về cái gì đó
  • for instance
    Many people,for instance my brother, prefer to do something active rather than do homework
  • look up (pv)                                           -ex: we weren't allowed to look up any words in the dictionary
    try to find information in a book, etc
  • confuse something with (loại từ, meaning?)                                          - ex: i think you've confused astronomy with astrology- they're not the same!
    (v) mơ hồ, nhầm lẫn                          
  • write down (pv)
    write information on a piece of paper .                                                             
  • a question about (loại từ, meaning?)
    (n) một câu hỏi về ...
  • rub out  (pv)                                          - ex: that meant whe couldn't rub anything out if we made a mistake.
    remove with a rubber.                    
  • in favour (of)
    Are you in favour of teenagers leaving school at the age of sixteen?
  • in general
    In general, the teachers at school are really nice, but some are nicer than other.
  • rip up (pv)                                             - ex: we had to cross it out neatly.
    tear into pieces                                     
  • succeed in (loại từ, meaning?)      ex: i really hope you succeed in finding a solution to the problem
    (v) thành công trong....
  • continue with (loại từ, meaning?)                                               -ex: Our teacher wasn't feeling well but she countinued (with) the lesson 
    (v) to keep doing something without stopping.                              
  • an opinion about/of (loại từ, meaning?)
    (n) 1 ý kiến quan điểm về/của
  • read out (pv)                                         -ex: she read out the instructions to make sure we all understood 
    say sth out loud which you are reading
  • learn about (loại từ, meaning?)
    (v) học về, tìm hiểu về....
  • in conclusion
    it's a good idea to start the final paragraph of your composition with the phrase " in conclusion"