
Reach G1B Lesson 6 My Crittercam Journal

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  • Which is correct? A) Two sloths hangs. B) Two sloths hang.
    B) Two sloths hang.
  • A dolphin swim/swims in the ocean. Which is correct?
    A dolphin swims in the ocean.
  • True or false- A photo journal and a fact book both have pictures.
  • True or false- A fact book has dates.
    False! A photo journal has dates.
  • What was the name of today's story?
    My Crittercam Journal
  • What are antonyms?
    Antonyms are two words with opposite/different meanings.
  • Which three animals did we see during our story?
    We saw a whale, a lion, and a penguin.
  • Was today's story a photo journal or a fact book?
    It was a photo journal!
  • Describe a lion's movements. What body parts does it use?
    A lion uses its legs to run. It can run fast!
  • Name two antonyms!
    Fast/slow, big/little, happy/sad
  • How many mistakes are in this sentence: tigers sleeps at night, A lion sleep in the sun.
    5! Tigers sleep at night. A lion sleeps in the sun.