
MYP2 Review Units 1-4

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  • Do you have financial discipline? What do you do when you need to save money?
  • Make a sentence using the phrasal verb "put up with"
  • Mention 3 words related to finance and banking.
    deposit, debt, loan, income, ATM, credit card, expenses, etc
  • What expressions can we use to DISAGREE?
    That's not always true, I'm not sure about that, I don't think so ...
  • (Delighted, inspired, energized) Are these positive or negative adjectives?
    Positive feelings
  • How can we respond to customer complaints?
    We apologize for ... / We'll give you a full refund.
  • Talk about past habits and routines in the past. Give 3 examples.
    (When I was a child) I used to ... / would ...
  • Mention 3 words related to job requirements.
    experience, training, diploma, degree, creativity, teamwork, etc
  • Complete the sentence "You have tested the product, ...?"
    haven't you
  • What would you do if there were a natural disaster in your city?
    If there were a natural disaster in my city, I would + base form of the verb
  • Complete the sentence "If I were an illegal immigrant, ..."
    I would + verb in the base form
  • Make a sentence using the phrasal verb "keep up with"
  • Is dejected a positive or negative adjective?
    Dejected is a negative feeling.
  • What expressions can we use to AGREE?
    Indeed, absolutely, that's for sure, I couldn't agree more ...
  • What's missing? If I could, I ________ spend a summer working on a farm in New Zealand.
  • You received poor service or a faulty product. Politely complain about it.
    I'd like to complain about ... There seems to be a problem with ...
  • Talk about 2 plans and intentions that didn´t happen this year.
    I was planning / intending / hoping to ...
  • I had already done all my shopping before I got here today. Which of the 2 events happened first?
    I had already done all my shopping
  • How can we form the rule for the Past Perfect? It is formed by using ...
    HAD + Past Participle of the Verb (PPV)
  • Tell me 2 things you were doing yesterday morning.
    I was ... ing.
  • "I forgot to add my volunteer experience to my résumé". How can express past wishes and regrets?
    I should (not) have + PPV